I try to feed it every day. I know that sourdough is better off being fed morning and night, but that almost never happens. Once a day seems to keep it alive, at least when it’s not 100 degrees in my kitchen. On the day of putting that bread together (and the day before, if I remember), I feed it a lot. I usually only bake breads with it once or twice a week. Two or three times per day I add a bit of flour and water and give it a whirl with a wooden spoon. This insures that it is at it’s best when I want to truly use it as the leavening in the recipe. When kahm yeast, or other funny looking situations take hold on the top of my starter, I try to save it. So long as it smells fine, I will scrape back the dried out/yeast-covered surface and take a spoonful of the starter from underneath it. This gets mixed into a fresh jar of water and flour and I’ve got a shiny new/same starter. When the heat turns up, I either discontinue the starter and wait til fall to start a new one, or I preserve it. You can preserve it short-term by keeping it in the refrigerator and feeding it once a week or so. You can preserve it long-term by dehydrating it. So, that’s how this space cadet keeps her sourdough starter (barely) alive. I don’t necessarily recommend it, but for me it’s better than the alternative, which is killing it all together. While I think it’s good to keep in mind the durability of starters and real life scenarios, these articles will help you take great care of your starter if you’re not a space cadet like me.

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